A case of 65 year old male with complaints of abdominal pain and shortness of breath

This is an online e-log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients' problems through a series of inputs from the available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients' clinical problems with collective current best evidence-based information.

This E blog also reflects my patient-centered online learning portfolio and your valuable input in the comment box is welcome.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of " patient clinical data analysis" to develop my competency in reading and comprehending clinical data including history, clinical findings, investigations, and coming up with diagnosis and treatment plans. is an online e-log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his / her / guardians' signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patients' problems through a series of inputs from the available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients' clinical problems with collective current best evidence-based information.

Case report

A 65 year old male patient came to opd with chief complaints of shortness of breath and abdominal pain since 5 days


25 years back: patient was apparently asymptomatic 25 years back, then he developed cough with hemoptysis.

He was then diagnosed positive with pulmonary tuberculosis, for which he took anti tuberculosis therapy for 6 

2 years back:  he started experiencing shortness of breath which was insidious in onset aggrevated on doing physical work and relieved by resting. SOB is of grade 2

He went to a local doctor with complaints of sob and received medication, which helped in reducing the symptoms temporarily

6 months back: he again developed shortness of breath which was insidious in onset aggrevated with physical work and relieved by resting

Then he was taken to higher centre where he was given drugs for shortness of breath. He was not compliant with the treatment regimen, he only took medication when the sob increased.

5 months back: he met with an accident and sustained a left tibial fracture. 

It was managed with a POP cast for 45 days

7 days back: he developed shortness of breath ( grade 3 ) and diffuse abdominal pain, which is insidious in onset, non radiating, relieved on medication

SOB is associated with productive cough with scanty white sputum, fatigue and sweating.

NO HISTORY OF nausea, vomiting, anorexia, weight loss, jaundice, fever, hematuria, oliguria.

NO HISTORY OF: palpitations, orthopnea.


patient suffered with tuberculosis 25 years back

He is a known case of hypertension since 3 years

No history of diabetes, asthma, epilepsy, 

No history of prolonged hospital stay

No history of previous surgeries


diet: mixed

Appetite :decreased

Sleep: adequate 

Bowel and bladder: regular

Addictions: stopped alcohol and smoking 20 years back


no similar complaints in family 


No known allergies to food and drugs


Patient is lying in supine position comfortably on the bed

He is conscious coherent and cooperative, well oriented with time place and person.

Pallor +

No icterus, Clubbing, cyanosis, lymphadenopathy, edema


Temperature 98°f

Blood pressure 110/80 mm Hg

Respiratory rate 22 cpm

Pulse rate 95 bpm

Spo2 98%

Peripheral pulses are felt, no radio radial delay and radio femoral delay.


Respiratory system


Shape of Chest - normal

Trachea position central

Movements of the chest: bilaterally symmetrical

Type- abdomino thoracic type no accessory muscles involved.

Skin over the chest: no engorged veins, sinuses, subcutaneous nodules, intercostal scars, or intercostal swellings.


No local rise in Temperature and tenderness

All inspectory findings are confirmed

Tactile vocal fremitus: bilaterally resonant and symmetrical in all areas


Resonant all over the chest except infraxillary area


Normal vesicular breath sounds were heard in all areas except the left infra axillary where there are decreased breath sounds.

Abdominal examination


Shape :scaphoid

No Distention of Abdomen 

Flanks- full 

Umbilicus- normal 

The skin over the abdomen: normal

No engorged veins, visible pulsations, or hernia orifices.


Abdomen is soft and diffusely tender

No hepatosplenomegaly, no guarding and rigidity


normal: tympanic note

AUSCULTATION: Normal Bowel sounds are heard

CVS examination 


Precordial area appears to be normal

No visible scars, sinuses, and engorged veins

Apex beat was not visible


All inspector findings were confirmed.

Apex Beat - diffuse 

No palpable murmurs (thrills)


S 1; S 2 heard in all areas

No murmurs, no abnormal sounds


                             2d echo


Heart failure with mid range reduced ejection fraction 

With Cystic kidney disease


1.inj lasix 40 mg iv/bd

2.tab metxl 25mg po/od

3.tab pan 40 mg po/od

4.tab Ultracet po/bd

5.tab clopitab-a po/od

6.tab atorvastatin 20 mg po/od

7.tab darolac po/tid

8.nebulization with

     Duolin 12th hrly

     Budecort 8th hrly

9.IVF-NS 50 ml/hr

10. O2 supplementation 4 th hrly

11. Vitals every 4th hrly



S: c/o Shortness of breath 


Pt is ccc


BP:110/70mm hg


RR:20 cpm

CVS: S1 S2 heard

GIT: soft , non tender


GRBS:95 mg/dl


Heart failure with resolved ejection fraction EF 39%, With moderate LV dysfunction, acute GE (resolved ) , multifocal atrial tachycardia 2° to COPD(resolved) ,With history of pulmonary tuberculosis 25 years ago, AKI on CKD(2° to PCKD),with COPD and rigth upper lobe collapse


1) inj. Lasik 40mg iv /Bd/D

2)Tab . MGTXL 20mg PO/OD

3)Tab. Pan 40 PO/OD

4)Tab.Ultracet PO/OD

5)Tab. Clopitab A

6)Tab . Atrovastatin                       


8)Neb . Duolin


9)iv ns -50/ml/hr iv infusion 


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