medicine internship

1) Self reflective writing on their medical student career
I was able to experience real life cases and was able to have patient centered learning under well experienced medical professionals.I had opportunities to perform and assist minor interventions and had good hands on experience.I have experienced the interaction with real life people and addressed their concerns. I felt privileged Being a support in their hard times. I have monitored patients who were critically ill and contributed my part in helping them recover. I have also monitored patients undergoing dialysis, and have gained knowledge about various aspects of dialysis. By Attending out patient days I have learned to aquire important clinical history quickly by asking relevant questions, and to perform essential examinations for Provisional diagnosis. In psychiatry I have learned to assess mentally ill patients and had many new experiences of various perspectives of patients and their attendees. I had opportunity to communicate with various departments in hospital and was able to appreciate their importance in patient care both directly and indirectly.

2) Evidence based date wise workflow logs collated by the intern with clickable and verifiable links 

Posted in Medicine department from 1/12/23 - 31/1/24

1/12/23 - 15/12/23 : psychiatry 
16/12/23 - 31/12/23 : Units
1/1/24 - 15/1/24 : peripherals 
16/1/24 - 31/1/24 : Units

Case 1

Case 2

Case 3

Case 4

case 5

Case 6

Case 7

Case 8


3) Anecdotal self reflections on their internship learning with some video  evidence of procedures performed

Ascitic taps: performed 4
Central lines: assisted 3

Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy: assisted 1
Diagnostic laproscopy for pancreatitis with peritonitis : attended 1

Arterial blood samples
Foleys catheterization
2d echoes 
Ryles tube insertion

4)Case based OSCE along with Bloom's learning levels achieved.

I have communicated with the pathology department of hospital associated with us and helped a patient to undergoing bonemarrow biopsy which was not available in our hospital. It was quiet an experience communicating with doctors from other hospitals and traveling with patient and coordinating the process. This helped me to assist and learn about Bone marrow biopsy. In this process I have also improved the way I communicate about the patients to other doctors in other place.


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